JAKARTA - An earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 5.8 that was updated to M 5.6 hit the Mentawai Islands triggered by the subduction activity of the Indo-Australian plate.

Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center, Daryono, said that the 34-kilometer earthquake was located at sea at a distance of 167 km northwest of the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

"By paying attention to the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred was a shallow type of earthquake due to the subduction activity of the Indo-Australian plate hitting the Eurasian plate," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday,

He added that the results of the analysis of the source mechanism showed that the earthquake had a thrust fault mechanism.

"The modeling results show that this earthquake has no potential for a tsunami," he said.

Daryono said the earthquake that occurred on Tuesday, June 20 at 15.39 WIB was located at coordinates 1.03 south latitude and 98.42 east longitude.

He revealed that the earthquake in the Mentawai area had an impact and was felt in the Siberut area with an intensity scale of III-IV MMI (modified mercy), meaning that the vibration was felt real in the house, felt as if the truck was passing.

Then, the West Pasaman and Pariaman areas with an intensity scale II-III MMI (vibrational vibrations felt real in the house, felt vibration as if a truck was passing), and the Bukittinggi area with an intensity scale of II MMI (vibrationality felt by several people, light objects that were hung swayed).

As of 16.05 WIB, Daryono said that the results of BMKG monitoring had not shown any aftershock activity.

Daryono appealed to the public to avoid cracked or damaged buildings caused by the earthquake.

"Check and make sure the building where you live is earthquake-resistant enough, or there is no damage due to earthquake vibrations that endanger the stability of the building before you return to the house," he said.

In addition, he also appealed to the public to remain calm and not be influenced by issues that cannot be justified.

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