MAKASSAR - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Makassar City, South Sulawesi, examined dozens of members of the village voting committee (PPS) in the Electoral Area (Dapil) V including Mariso, Mamajang, and Tamalate sub-districts because they were suspected of meeting future legislative candidates (bacapleg).

"We have examined 12 people, but eight people admitted that they were present at a meeting that was allegedly moved by one of the candidates. Four people accepted the invitation, but were not present," said Head of Makassar Bawaslu Abdillah Mustari as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 19.

From the results of the examination and the information examined, there were PPS members who deliberately invited their fellow members to meet with one of the candidates, however, only eight of the 12 suspects attended the meeting.

"Those who invited fellow organizers, invited by their friends, they followed, attended, and received transportation money. Only the people who were examined who attended the meeting," said Abdillah.

If found guilty of violating the code of ethics of the ad hoc organizers, Bawaslu will apply sanctions according to the applicable regulatory mechanism.

"Of course if proven, we ask the KPU that Bawaslu issues recommendations for imposing sanctions for dismissal," he explained.

Previously, Bawaslu Makassar received a report from residents that a number of PPS members attended a meeting with a head of a branch member of the community organization allegedly facilitated by the candidate. However, Bawaslu did not summon the person concerned because he had not been appointed as a legislative candidate.

"We keep the identity of the information giver secret because it is Bawaslu's obligation. As for the alleged PPS personnel, we are still keeping their identities secret because they are still in the process of deepening the handling of violations of the code of ethics," he said.

Confirmed separately, Makassar KPU Chairman Faridl Wajdi stated that so far he is still waiting for the results of Bawaslu's studies and no recommendations have been sent as to what the violations will be. However, his party is ready to follow up.

"We are ready to follow up, if it is proven that we can be fired, this is a matter of the integrity of the election organizers. But whether it really has something to do with certain candidates, certain political colors, we are still waiting for the results of the study," he said.

In addition, the Makassar KPU is very cooperative and supports the steps taken by Bawaslu, including providing data and information as well as other matters related to examinations.

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