SATRIA-1 Satellite Reaches, Expected To Accelerate Internet Browse In 3T Papua Region
The Falcon 9 rocket carries the SATRIA-1 satellite into the sky from Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex SLC 40, Florida, USA, Sunday 18 June 2023. (ANTARA-Livia Kristianti)

PAPUA - The Papua Provincial Government (Pemrov) hopes that the launch of the SATRIA 1 Satellite will help accelerate internet browsing in Papua, especially those in the leading, remote and underdeveloped areas (3T). "We really appreciate it because it is in accordance with the launch target. That way the government's program in the future can be realized quickly," said Head of Information Technology for the Papua Province Diskominfo, Thomas Sibi in Jayapura, Papua, Monday, June 19, confiscated by Antara. Thomas explained that there are 8 districts and 1 city in Papua, while the one that has not been touched at all by the internet is Mamberamo Raya Regency.

Meanwhile, other areas, continued Thomas, were constrained by "black spots", so it is hoped that the SATRIA 1 satellite can facilitate internet services.

Head of the Telecommunication and Information Service Division of Business Entity 1 Bakti Kominfo Ade Dimijanty said that the SATRIA 1 Satellite slid from Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States (US), at around 18.21, Sunday 18 June, local time.

Setelah menangkasa, satelit itu akan langsung menuju orbit 146 derajat BT atau berada di atas kawah Papua. Diperkirakan SatRIA 1 akan berada posisi pada November 2023."Satelit memiliki kapasitas 150 Gbps dan akan diprioritaskan untuk layanan publik, seperti sektor pendidikan, kesehatan, dan lainnya," katanya.Menurut Ade, SATRIA-1 ditargetkan mulai melayan kebutuhan akses internet cepat untuk titik layanan publik pada awal tahun 2024 karena setelah peluncuran ada beberapa fase sebelum siap beroperasi.Dia menjelaskan sebanyak 11 stasiun dukungan peluncuran SATRIA-1. Khusus di Tanah Papua berlangsung di tiga daerah."Di antaranya di Stasiunya di Stasiunsi Bumi Kota Jayapura Papua, Kabupaten Mimika Papua Tengah dan Manokwari Papua Barat. Seka lagi lagi kamiharakan SATRIA-1 bisa memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat," tandasnya.

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