Ahead of the opening of the 49th North Sumatra Day (PRSU), the generator as the electricity supply for the event suddenly exploded twice and caught fire. Until now, it is not known what caused the generator to explode.

The reason is, the opening of this PRSU will be opened by the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi.

The burning of the generator caused the power to die starting at 18.40-20.00 WIB Friday, June 16. As a result of the exploding generator, visitors panicked and scattered, all the district and city stands throughout North Sumatra were also pitch black.

It seems that the organizers or EO are not optimal in preparing for the 49th PRSU opening, making the atmosphere boisterous.

The Head of the Provincial Government Inspectorate, Lasro Marbun, when confirmed, said that it seemed that EO did not have really mature preparations. At this opening, the committee should be able to be better prepared and be able to provide services to the people who visit PRSU 2023.

Lasro assessed that the 49th PRSU activity was not ready, because it could not provide comfort to visitors. And the occurrence of a blackout like this is very embarrassing.

"They are already aware that they will need a lot of electricity supply, they should have prepared it, because this concerns the big name of North Sumatra," Lasro explained in a written statement, Saturday, June 17.

The 49th PRSU visitors deeply regretted the blackout. One of the visitors named Rani, a resident of Marelan, who deliberately came all the way to the opening of this PRSU, deeply regretted the incident.

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