JAKARTA - The horror film Pulung hangs: Pati Ngendat presents young players such as Annisa Kaila, Bulan Sofya, Andrew Barrett and others. This film is a Pulung Suspension phenomenon located in Gunung Kidul.

"First, I heard that Pulung Suspension is foreign and knows from the film. During research, it turned out that from a true story, it was fitting to play curious," Annisa Kaila told VOI on Thursday, January 9.

"In this film, it's the same as them, it turns out that Pulung is hanging from Gunung Kidul, we shoot at Gunung Kidul and it's really fun," added Bulan Sofya.

Although not the first time, they face new challenges during filming. Because apart from shooting at night, they are required to take action scenes.

"I totally agree because I feel that this film also has an action genre because most of the scenes of all our cast behind the cameraman are also reversed," said Andrew Barrett.

"This new experience that I have been dissing for the first time is Maghrib at 12 pm and in trees that are scary until their body is itching until they are dirty," added the Sofya Moon.

"The experience for me was the first film I became the main character, so I felt I had to show something new. The main character doesn't mean 'I'm cool' but just do it playing the characters and it's the same. This film is like a painting painted by the director," said Andrew.

The first time I wore a headscarf was because before I didn't wear a headscarf and filmed the night for a fighting scene. I had to show how natural it was so that the veil didn't look neat. The folding of the veil was made with a wardrobe fortunately it was always made to see the continuity of the veil I fell next door," continued Annisa.

Meanwhile, Pulung Suspension will be shown in Indonesian cinemas starting February 6, 2025.

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