TARAKAN - The Bulungan City Police Team, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) conducted a crime scene (TKP) for a fire in Sekatak which resulted in the death of four people.
"The crime scene investigation is to determine the cause of the fire that resulted in four deaths," said Head of the Bulungan Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner of National Police, Pali Padang in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 15.
The crime scene investigation involving 10 personnel from the Bulungan Police Satreskrim was carried out at the location of the fire at houses and cafes on Jalan Poros Kaltara RT 03 Paru Abang Village, Sekatak District.
The activity also involved the Inafis team (Indonesia Automatic Fingerprint Identification System) of the Bulungan Police and the Kaltara Police to identify the victims.
"The DVI Team (Disaster Victim and Identification) for the Dokkes Polda Kaltara also helped identify the bodies of the four victims. We managed to identify all the bodies of the victims and have been evacuated," said Belnas.
Based on the testimony of a witness named Rahma (17), the fire broke out on Wednesday (14/6) night at 23.00 WITA. At that time, the owner of the house and cafe was in front of the cafe with other workers and suddenly the lights went out at the cafe.
The witness shouted that there was a fire and told friends in the room and cafe residents to come out to save themselves.
"It turned out that in the burning house there were four people who were locked in the flames in the room, namely Herlina and her son Riskidan Rival in the upper room on the right back, then Cindy was in the room on the right middle floor near the bathroom," said Belnas.
From the identification results, the victims who died in the fire were Cindy (22), Herlina (43), Muhammad Riski (12), and Muhammad Rival (11).
"The police are still investigating to find out the cause of the fire. What is clear is that the lighting used at the location (fire) uses a generator (diesel), not electricity from PLN," he said.
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