JAKARTA - Spokesperson for Sandiaga Uno for Political Affairs Denny H Suryo Prabowo said Sandi would join the United Development Party (PPP) because he had the same vision, namely accelerating Indonesia's development. "As stated by Bang Sandiaga, he wants to accelerate Indonesia's development. One of the efforts he made to collaborate with those who have similarities with him," said Denny in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, June 13. Previously, Sandiaga Uno was said to be officially joining PPP this week, which was marked by the signing of a commitment to fight with PPP. "On Wednesday, God willing. Later on Wednesday, we will officially sign the commitment of Mr. Sandi to fight with PPP," said Plt. PPP General Chair Muhammad Mardiono. Next, Denny emphasized that Sandiaga Uno did have the determination to help Indonesia's progress, especially in the economic field. Therefore, he continued, Sandiaga's struggle in politics by joining a political party was intended to support his vision and mission. "Bang Sandi has a big dream to bring the Indonesian economy, which is not only developing, but also advancing for all its people," said the Secretary General of the Indonesian Uno House (RSI). Denny then also highlighted the political dynamics ahead of the 2024 presidential election related to Sandiaga's name, which is said to be one of the candidates for vice president candidate (cawapres) to accompany the future presidential candidate (candidate) from the PDI Perjuangan Ganjar Pranowo. According to him, Sandiaga is ready to cooperate with anyone in order to accelerate Indonesia's development. "Basically, Bang Sandi Uno is ready to work with anyone to realize the acceleration of Indonesia's development. Bang Sandiaga wants Indonesia to have a lot of jobs for the people, MSMEs to triumph so that this nation has economic independence," he said. Based on the schedule set by the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia, the registration of prospective presidential and vice presidential candidates is scheduled to start from October 19 to November 25, 2023. As regulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (UU Pemilu), pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates are proposed by political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election who meet the requirements for obtaining seats of at least 20 percent of the total number of seats in the DPR or obtaining 25 percent of valid votes nationally in the previous election for members of the DPR.
Currently, there are 575 seats in parliament so that pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election must have at least 115 seats in the DPR RI. In addition, candidate pairs can also be promoted by political parties or a combination of political parties participating in the 2019 Election with a total valid vote acquisition of at least 34,992,703 votes.

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