JAKARTA - A total of 5 police reports were received by the South Jakarta Metro Police regarding the Iphone reseller fraud with the reported initials RA.

Deputy Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Kompol Hendrikus Yossi Hendrata, said the total loss from the 5 reports was up to Rp. 1 billion. They, the victims were deceived by a similar mode.

"It varies, some are hundreds of millions, some are above 1 billion, varying. If what is reported at the South Jakarta Police, the reported is RA. In the five reports, RA reported them," Hendrikus told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, June 7.

Hendrikus explained that the mode carried out by the reported party was by being given an attractive offer to the victim. Later the prospective victim is asked to send some money to the reported party.

"Several victims who experienced this incident were given quite attractive offers, namely Apple brand products, be it iPhones and laptops, airpods with an average cheaper price of 20-30 percent than generally prices," he said.

"Well, that's what then attracted the victim to order the reported person, the mode was like that," he continued.

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