The National Police stated that PK Entertainment as the promoter was not involved in a series of cases of Coldplay concert ticket fraud. The examination of them is limited to knowing the ticket sales mechanism.

"The results of requests for information and clarification have been made that the promoter was not involved in the case of ticket sales fraud," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramdhan, to reporters, Monday, May 29.

So far, several people from the PK Entertainment have been questioned. Two of them have the initials TH and HS. The process is said to last until midnight.

Then, two more people were examined today. They were asked for information about the permit.

Bareskrim will also check, which is a ticket vendor on Wednesday, May 31. The inspection aims to find out the official ticket sales mechanism.

"The violation of the law is not from the promoter, but is an individual who takes advantage of this condition," said Ramadhan.

In the fraud case, Bareskrim Polri has received a police report. The report is registered with the number LP/B/106/V/2023/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri, dated May 19, 2023.

In that report, 60 people became victims from various regions. They lost Rp. 183 million.

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