JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko welcomed the commitment to cooperation between Indonesia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In fact, in his meeting with the Chairman of the Iranian Trade Organization and his staff at the Bina Graha Building in Jakarta on Wednesday, May 24, Moeldoko expressed his full support for strengthening the volume of trade between the two countries.

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) is ready to become a bridge for strengthening cooperation between Iran and Indonesia. This is made possible by the KSP main task force which can communicate things with all Ministries/Institutions. I hope that the Indonesian and Iranian Cooperation Committee will be formed so that later we can build intense communication," Moeldoko said.

The Presidential Chief of Staff who also serves as General Chair of the Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association (HKTI) said he was optimistic that Indonesia - Iran trade could be increased. Although currently, the value of trade cooperation between the two countries is still considered very small, namely at 257.2 million US dollars in 2022.

Moeldoko sees several potential collaborations, for example in the trade sector of urea fertilizers because Iran with large gas reserves is a country that produces global urea fertilizers.

This country in the middle eastern region is also a country that exports fruits and many agricultural products. For example, cooperation in agriculture, we must gain knowledge from Iran because they have advanced technology. In fact, I hope that electric vehicles (EV) technology will also be collaborated," said Moeldoko.

For information, on Tuesday, May 23, President Joko Widodo welcomed the arrival of Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi at the Bogor Presidential Palace. This is President Seyyed's first visit to Indonesia since serving as president on August 3 last year. The two countries are increasingly committed to strengthening bilateral relations that have existed since 1950.

Meanwhile, the head of the Iran Trade Organization, Alireza Peymanpak, said that Indonesia is a hub country that plays an important role in bridging Iran's relations with countries in the ASEAN region.

Iran loves the people of Indonesia very much. So this is not only about relations between the two countries, but also about strengthening relations between the two countries, one of which is through strengthening economic cooperation," Alireza told Moeldoko.

After meeting Moeldoko, he also appreciated Indonesia's good response to the President and the Iranian delegation. Alireza also ensured that the Iranian government was committed to continuing to monitor and oversee the realization of the Indonesian-Iran Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) which had been signed by the two leaders.

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