GunungKIDUL - Gunungkidul Regent, Yogyakarta Special Region, Sunaryanta said the shooting incident of Nglindur Village / Village resident Aldi Aprianto (19) at an entertainment event, Sunday (14/5) by the police as an incident.

"Sunday night incident in Wuni Hamlet is a new experience so that in the future to be more careful," said Sunaryanta in Gunungkidul as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 15.

He said the incident was an accidental incident.

"Once again the incident was accidental, only an incident," he said.

The Regent of Sunaryanta expressed his condolences for the incident.

"On behalf of myself and the Gunungkidul Regency Government, condolences for the death of one of our citizens," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Nglindur Village, Hanan Amsori, stated that he would provide assistance to Andi's family, especially regarding the legal process.

"The victim is our citizen, and we are obliged to provide assistance," said Hanan.

He revealed that mediation with the families of the victims and residents was carried out on Sunday (14/5) night after the incident. Gunungkidul Police Chief AKBP Edy Bagus Sumantri was also present at the mediation.

Hanan conveyed directly to Edy that this case should be handled seriously. This has become the wish of the families of the victims and residents of the Wuni Hamlet.

"We ask that the incident be thoroughly investigated in accordance with applicable law," he said.

Previously, Andi Apriyanto was the victim of a shooting by a member of the police with the initials Brigadier MK. The shooting was released accidentally by the Constitutional Court with the intention of dispersing the commotion of residents. The Constitutional Court is said to have surrendered and was secured at the Yogyakarta Regional Police.

Gunungkidul Police Chief AKBP Edy Bagus Sumantri said this incident was handled by the Yogyakarta Regional Police.

"The case is now being handled by the Yogyakarta Regional Police," said Edy.

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