JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) stated that the transmission of syphilic diseases can be triggered by deviant sexual activities carried out by sufferers.
"Syphilics can be triggered by deviant sex activities such as penetration, oral sex, or anal sex," said Director of Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases at the Ministry of Health, Imran Pambudi, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.
Imran said that a symptomis is caused by a Pallidum Treponema bacteria, which usually infects the human body through wounds on the genitals, anus, lips, and mouth. Risky sex will only widen the potential for transmission because it is done without using condoms.
The risk of contracting syphilics will be even greater if a person is infected with Sexual Infection (IMS) which spreads rapidly through sexual networks with many sexual partners (change partners).
In this case, it is usually in the form of sex workers (PS) who transmit infections to their customers or partners. Men's 'bridge groups' are also able to transmit IMS to other sex partners.
Imran explained that low-risk women who get IMS from their partners can still transmit infections to newborns during pregnancy.
"Syphilics are diseases that also have the potential to be transmitted from pregnant women to their babies. The congenital syphilis in newborns is called congenital syphilic," he said.
According to Imran, there are many ways that people can do to transmit the risk of syphilic transmission. For example, being abstained or avoiding having sex and avoiding changing sex partners.
Then he advised the public not to underestimate the benefits of condoms.
"The use of condoms can reduce the risk of contracting syphilics, but only if the condoms cover the syphilic wound," he said.
The public is also expected to avoid drug consumption. Abuse of alcohol or other drugs that are not in accordance with the doctor's advice is feared to encourage someone to practice unsafe sexual intercourse.
In addition, if you have screened and tested positive for sifilis, Imran asks patients to immediately notify their respective partners. That way, the couple can do a test to detect transmission so that they can get treatment early.
Regarding screening, based on data compiled by the Ministry of Health in 2022, the five provinces with the most syphilic patients were found in Papua with 3,864 patients, West Java with 3,186 patients, DKI Jakarta with 1,897 patients, West Papua with 1,816 patients and Bali with 1,300 patients.
Meanwhile, for provinces with the highest number of patients tested for sifilis, 305,816 people were in West Java, 273,479 people in East Java, 167,303 people in Central Java, 71,037 people in DKI Jakarta and 63,451 people in Banten.
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