JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) is ready to support the development program for tourism development programs at the Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island sites in East Nusa Tenggara. BMKG will strengthen the weather monitoring system and geohydrometeorological multi-hazard early warning systems.
"All the equipment installed is vital to strengthen the Geohidrometeorological Multi Hazard Monitoring and Early Warning System, so that the potential for geohidrometeorological disasters can be mitigated appropriately and early," said BMKG Head Dwikorita Karnawati in a written statement received, Friday, February 14.
Previously, the BMKG Komodo Meteorological Station had started operating weather information services for flights since 1997 and starting in 2008 an earthquake monitoring and tsunami early warning system had also been developed in the area.
In addition, BMKG has also added digital equipment in Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island such as a maritime meteorological radar which functions to detect the currents and heights of waves and tsunamis that have the potential to occur around Labuan Bajo Port since 2018.
The Automatic Weather Observing System (AWOS), a tool for providing weather information related to the takeoff and landing of aircraft at Komodo Airport, has also been installed since 2015.
The latest equipment, BMKG has also installed a seismic sensor (seismograph) to provide information related to the earthquake and tsunami in 2019.
"We hereby inform you that, BMKG is ready to secure the tourism development program in Labuan Bajo and Komodo Island, by strengthening the multi-hazard geohidrometeorological monitoring and early warning system," said Head of West Manggarai Komodo Meteorological Station, Sti Nenot'ek.
Geohydrometeorological disasters are such as earthquakes, tsunamis, high waves and extreme weather.
Not only equipment, strengthening understanding of the weather and climate as well as potential hazards are also socialized for fishermen and tour boat owners.
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