The seven-kilometer-long road is covered by landslides and flash floods that hit Nagari Aia Luo, Payung Sekaki District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra.

Wali Nagari Aia Luo Maila mengatakan berdasarkan hasil pendataannya saat ini ada sebanyak 30 titik longsor yang terjadi di sepanjang jalan penghubung antara Jorong Kipek dan Jorong Tanah Sirah.

Of the 11 kilometers connecting the two jorong roads, there are 7 kilometers of roads that were affected and closed due to landslides and 30 soil material points collapsed.

The landslides and flash floods were caused by very high rainfall, so landslides and flash floods hit Nagari Aia Luo, Payung Sekaki District, Solok Regency.

"Until today, the clearing of landslide materials is still being carried out using heavy equipment," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.

He said that currently two heavy equipment had been deployed to the location to clean up the landslide material.

However, only one can pass through Jorong Kipek road access. Until now, material cleaning is still being carried out.

In addition, roads that are still covered by landslide material can now be passed by humans or using two-wheeled vehicles.

Until now, you can pass for walking, or using a motorbike if you are careful. However, four-wheeled vehicles have not been able to, and it is estimated that the road will be cleaned for another three days," he said.

As a result of the breaking of road access, as many as 500 kilograms of chili belonging to residents who have finished harvest decays because they cannot be sold to Solok Market.

As is known, the road is an access for local residents to go to Solok City. Because the road cannot be passed, residents who harvest chilies reach 500 kilograms suffer losses because chilies cannot be sold to the market.

Meanwhile, to this day it is still raining Nagari Aia Luo and several landslide-prone points are still on standby.

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