JAKARTA - Commission III DPR RI held a fit and proper test on Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo as a candidate for National Police Chief, Wednesday, January 20.

In his initial presentation, Komjen Listyo Sigit alluded to the issue of legal justice, which until now has not been carried out optimally.

"Law enforcement must be carried out in a firm yet humane manner. Currently, the community needs law enforcement that upholds a sense of justice for the community, not law enforcement in order to ensure legal certainty. In my leadership, these aspects will be the main focus to be improved," said Komjen. Listyo.

Apart from the law, the Head of Criminal Investigation of the Police also touched on a new concept in cyberspace. If in the past the community was familiar with Cyber Police, now there is a Virtual Police.

The difference is, cyber police are known for enforcing the law when violations are found, or crimes in cyberspace. So, in general, the police will lead to educational matters for citizens or society in general.

"With virtual police, it is more aimed at educational matters, learning to engage the community, involving influencers who have quite a number of followers," he said.

Later, the work of the virtual police or the parties involved in it is to provide education to the public how good social media is, cultured and away from criminal acts or crimes. Isn't it fun?

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