The Malacca Police, NTT, ensnared the perpetrator of the shooting of a 15-year-old child to death under the Child Protection Act.
"We arrested the perpetrator last week, and charged with Article 80 paragraph (3) of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 340 of the Criminal Code," said Malacca Police Chief AKBP Rudy Junus Jacob Ledodilansir ANTARA, Monday, May 8.
The police chief said this was related to the shooting case of a child who was a group of the Setia Hati Terate Association (PSHT) which occurred on April 28 to death.
The results of the autopsy by the medical team of the Karya Uly Hospital, the NTT Police, were found a PCP type air rifle bullet in the right of the victim's head.
Jonisius Bere Siri alias Joker was arrested by the local police together with Mario Silberto Nahak alias Rio and Alyance Seran alias Cong.
From the results of the investigation, it was discovered that it was Joker who started everything and carried out the shooting so that the victim died.
Joker also admitted that before shooting the victim, he and his colleagues Fendi, Amir Leo, Frengky Amaral, Ulu, Cong, Irfan and Rio, were planning a plan to attack the PSHT college organization.
Joker himself is the head of the IKS Ratting organization, Wewiku District, Malacca Regency.
"The shooting of the victim was motivated by revenge because some time ago there was a group of their college that was stabbed to death by the PSHT group," said AKBP Rudy.
Penyidik Satreskrim Polres Malaka sudah melakukan gelar perkara. Perkara tersebut ditingkatkan dari tahap penyelidikan ke tahap penyidikan.
"Investigators have also named Jonisius Bere Siri alias Joker as a suspect in this case and forced efforts have been made in the form of arrests and detentions," said AKBP Rudy.
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