The Batu City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reported that a number of houses and buildings in the Batu City area, East Java, were damaged by strong winds that occurred in the area.

The Head of BPBD Batu City, Agung Sedayu, said that the damage to houses and buildings occurred in three locations, which were in Sisir Village, Batu District. "There was an incident of strong winds in the area of Kelurahan Sembar, Batu District," Agung explained. Agung explained that the strong wind disaster occurred at approximately 11.30 WIB accompanied by high intensity rain. Damage to a number of houses and buildings was in the form of damaged roofs. At the first point on Jalan Semeru Gang 2 RT03/07, the house of one of the residents in the area was reported to have been damaged. The roof of Imam Muhlis' house, with dimensions 5x6 meters, was damaged by the incident. Then, at the next point at Madrasyah Tsanawiyah (MTS) Hasyim Ashari Jalan Semeru also suffered similar damage. Class roofs of 6x11 meters dimensions were damaged as well as class asbes with dimensions 4x6 meters were also damaged.

At the next point on Jalan Bejo Number 13 Rt09/11, Kelurahan Sisir Kota Batu, Nanang's house, also suffered damage to the roof. The roof of the house with dimensions of 3x4 meters was swept away by strong winds. "There were no casualties in the incident," he said. Currently, the Batu City BPBD together with a number of related elements are conducting rapid assessments and coordinating with other relevant agencies. In addition, also cleaning the roof material of the house that was damaged. In addition, the Batu City BPBD provides recommendations in the form of post-disaster handling, providing tarpaulin assistance and basic necessities to a number of residents affected by the disaster, as well as repairing the roof of the house by the relevant agencies.

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