JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police noted that around 55.8 percent of Jakarta residents have not returned to their homes. Although, the Eid 2023 holiday has ended.
"55.8 percent (vehicles) have not returned home," said Kakorlantas Polri Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi to reporters at the Cikampek Utama Toll Gate, Thursday, April 27.
However, it did not specify the number of vehicles that had not returned to Jakarta. It was only conveyed that the 2023 Ketupat Operation had been carried out which would last until May 2.
Then, there are also Enhanced Routine Activities (KRYD) to prevent vehicle congestion when the peak of backflow occurs.
"So we will continue to see the development of people who will return," he said.
However, travelers who later return to Jakarta are asked to arrange their travel time with all considerations.
For example, starting back on April 28 to 30. So that later there will be no accumulation in one day.
"We also need to remind the public about the time they need to travel when they have to return and so on," said Firman.
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