JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) Santoso said that his party openly accepted the draft Law on Asset Confiscation from the Government to provide clarity to the public. "However, Santoso said that the draft Asset Confiscation Bill, which the Government plans to send, has not been accepted by the DPR. "Indeed, the draft bill has not been submitted by the Government to the DPR," he added. He also reminded him not to cause controversy in the community, then the draft of the Asset Confiscation Bill should not be published to the public before it is discussed together between the DPR and the Government. "Of course, it was preceded by a plenary meeting on the approval of the bill," he said. This is so as not to give rise to perceptions regarding the draft content of the Asset Confiscation Bill circulating in the public, which is different from the draft submitted by the Government. "This often happens, in a bill, the draft has not been received by the DPR and has not yet been discussed; but a different draft of the bill is circulating," said Santoso. Previously, Tuesday 18 April, Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej said the draft of the Asset Confiscation Bill was completed and would be immediately submitted to the DPR.
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