The volume of vehicles crossing the homecoming route in Cianjur has increased to a number of cities or districts in West Java (West Java) and Central Java (Central Java), early Sunday, April 16.

The number of four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles with luggage has been seen busy entering the Puncak route since Saturday, April 14 evening.

Some of them stopped to rest in the Puncak Pass area or rest areas on the Puncak-Cianjur homecoming route.

Traffic flow is dominated by four-wheeled vehicles with goods on the roof of the car.

Drivers seem to choose to go home faster and leave in the early hours of the morning to avoid congestion at a number of points prone to traffic jams, such as Ciranjang Market, Rajamadala Market and Padalarang Market in West Bandung Regency.

"It is better to go midnight, to avoid the spilled market along the Cianjur-West Bandung and Bandung homecoming routes. We deliberately went home early to avoid traffic jams because this year the government allowed homecoming," said Mulyono (43), a travelers carrying a four-wheeled vehicle with the aim of Brebes, Central Java.

The same thing was said by the travelers from Tangerang, Banten with the aim of Blora, Central Java, Sutiono (38). He chose to leave early in a convoy with 12 other travelers.

"Home early so you don't get stuck in traffic and can pick up the sister who migrated in Bandung. It's been three years since you can go home together, while now you are allowed to stop by before you get to your hometown," he said.

Head of Cianjur Police Traffic Unit AKP Anaga Budiharso said to provide a sense of security and comfort for travelers crossing the Cianjur homecoming route, the Cianjur Police will activate Security Posts starting from the Puncak Pass route to the Citarum-Bandung Barat route.

"Village travelers can rest at a number of pam (security) posts available along the Cianjur homecoming route, before continuing their journey. Entering D-6 Lebaran, the volume of vehicles has started to increase at midnight and early morning," he said.

His party estimates that the peak of the homecoming flow that passes through Cianjur will occur on D-3 and D-2 Lebaran, so that to anticipate various things, including long queues of vehicles, his party will carry out a number of traffic engineering.

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