PALEMBANG - Satreskrim Polres Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Timur, South Sumatra, arrested two perpetrators of snatching cellphones from a child in Yosowinangun Village, Belitang District. The actions of the two perpetrators went viral on Sunday, April 9.
"The perpetrators are HF, a resident of Muncak Kabau, BP Bangsa Raja and BSR sub-districts, a resident of Sri Tanjung, Buay Madang District, East OKU," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East OKU Police AKP Hamsal in Martapura, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 11.
The two perpetrators were arrested on Monday at around 14.30 WIB in Umbul Sari Hamlet, Muncak Kabau Village, Buay Pemuka Bangsa Raja District, East OKU without a fight.
"The two suspects are students at a university in Palembang," he said.
They were arrested after seizing a cell phone belonging to a boy while playing a game on the footpath of the Nurul Ulum Mosque complex, Yosowinangun Village, Belitang Madang Raya District, East OKU at around 06.00 WIB.
The perpetrator, who acted on a motorbike, was caught on a resident's CCTV camera installed around the scene of the incident.
"The record of the confiscation carried out by the two suspects went viral on social media and WhatsApp group chain messages," he explained.
Armed with the short video footage, the police conducted an investigation and found the identity of the perpetrator, then immediately made an arrest.
Currently, the two perpetrators and evidence in the form of two mobile phones have been secured at the East OKU Police Headquarters for further investigation.
"The two perpetrators will be charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison," he said.
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