The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police will forcibly bring Dito Mahendra back if he is absent on the second summons in the case of illegal possession of firearms (senpi). Investigators have scheduled an examination on Thursday, April 6.

"The second summons will not be present, the investigator will complete it with a warrant to bring the person concerned," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani to reporters, Tuesday, April 4.

The order to bring the forced force was in accordance with Article 112 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The article contains 'People who are summoned must come to the investigator and if he does not come the investigator calls once again, with an order to the officer to bring him'.

It was scheduled to undergo an examination on Monday, April 3. However, he was not present or absent.

Through his lawyer, the reason Dito did not fulfill the summons for examination was because he was out of town. However, the city in question did not specify.

On the other hand, Djuhandhani said, in handling this case, investigators still prioritized the principle of presumption of innocence. This is because until now the owner of the 9 illegal firearms is not known. Although, it is undeniable that the illegal senpi was found at Dito Mahendra's house.

"The winning weapon was found in a house but we don't know to what extent, even though we make sure the house owned by arau is inhabited by someone," said Djuhandhani.

Meanwhile, the case of illegal possession of Dito Mahendra has been upgraded to the investigation stage. The increase was based on the results of the case title.

There were 9 rifles found at Dito Mahendra's house which were declared illegal. Because, there is no official letter.

Firearms that were declared illegal include a Clock 17, S&W Revolver, a 19 Zev Clock pistol, and an Angstatd Arms pistol.

Then, the Noveske Reflections, AK 101, the Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, the Heckler & Koch MP 5 pistol, and the Walther air rifle.

In this case, Dito is suspected of violating Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law number 12 of 1951.

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