JAKARTA - The US House of Representatives approved a second impeachment attempt against Donald Trump, alleging incitement to rebellion during the riots on Capitol Hill last week.

In a vote conducted by the US House of Representatives, 232 members approved the accusation and 197 other members rejected it. Interestingly, there are 10 Republican members of the US House of Representatives who are Trump supporters, agreeing with the impeachment.

Launching Reuters, a number of politicians who 'cheated' Trump has circulated a few days ago. They were disillusioned by the riots on Capitol Hill. Here are the Republican politicians who cheated on Trump. Here are their figures.

liz cheney
Liz Cheney. (Twitter / @ RepCheney)

Republican Liz Cheney of the US House of Representatives is the most senior member of her party to vote, opposing attempts to challenge the Electoral College result that confirmed Trump's defeat. The daughter of former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney is a rising politician in the party.

"Trump summoned the masses, gathered the masses, ignited the attack on Capitol Hill last Wednesday. I will vote to indict the president," he said.

Anhoney Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez. (Twitter / @ RepAGonzalez)

Gonzalez is a Republican representative from Ohio. With careful consideration, he chose to support impeachment.

"When I considered the entire scope of events leading up to January 6 including the President's lack of response to the attack on the United States Congress, I was compelled to support the impeachment," he wrote on Twitter.

Peter Meijer
Peter Meijer. (Twitter / @ RepMeijer)

Meijer, new member of Congress from Grand Rapids, Michigan. Although he admitted that he was reluctant, he voted for impeachment.

"The president betrayed his oath of office by trying to undermine our constitutional process, and he is responsible for inciting violent acts of rebellion last week," he said in a statement.

And Newhouse. (Twitter / @ RepNewhouse)

Washington state's Newhouse announced his intention to vote to impeach him on the House floor during Wednesday's debate. This drew applause from the Democrats present.

Adam Kinzinger. (Twitter / @ RepKinzinger)

A critic of Trump, Kinzinger from Illinois said Trump broke his oath of office by inciting his supporters to revolt and using his position to attack the legislative branch of government.

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