JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR from the Democratic Faction, Benny K Harman revealed the reason for challenging the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD to explain clearly the issue of suspicious transactions of Rp. 349 trillion in the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).Benny explained Mahfud had a political motive because his findings were revealed to the public. In fact, the Democrat politician suspected that there was a motive for cornering the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. "I challenge that Mr. Mahfud is not a question or speculation, an analysis in the public. The speculation is very bad. I am among those who have bad prejudices over what Mr. Mahfud said so that I openly convey if Mr. Mahfud did not explain in full, then I find Mr. Mahfud has a political motive," said Benny in the RDPU Commission III of the DPR with the National Coordination Committee for Prevention and Eradication of TPPU at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 29. "Could this group not like Sri Mulyani to be a Minister of Finance again in 2024," he added. Benny emphasized that Mahfud was the Chairman of the National Coordination Committee for the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering Crimes. Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance and the Head of PPATK are members of the committee. Mahfud, should be able to resolve the polemic transaction of Rp 349 trillion internally. Because of that suspicion, Benny even said Mahfud had become part of the opposition. Because, he said, Mahfud is like putting up resistance in the cabinet. "We are also confused. We are also happy that this opposition is confused too. Has Mr. Mahfud has also become an opposition part of the government? Has Suharto also publicly stated his cabinet member who carried out the resistance from within, "said Benny. The NTT elector Democratic legislator said that the resulting from odd transactions does not only confuse the public. But also members of the DPR, including the government opposition. "Once again, if there is no open explanation about this matter, so it is not, what is a final, hypothetic nature that I convey. Moreover, after Sri Muly's mother conveyed also publicly what Sri Muani
Benny knows that Mahfud MD's duties as committee chairman are clear, even coordinating with members. However, he asked Mahfud to be accountable for his duty to summon the Minister of Finance regarding the findings at his institution so that it can be clear. "That is in my logic, as a member of the council who carries out the supervisory function, why not do it, that's my question to Mr. Ivan, then, if this is not an explanation of my assumption that Mr. Mahfud has an undeniable political motive," he concluded.
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