Residents of Keruak Ketangga Village, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Yani (24) were found dead in the well of his house. Before he died, the victim was known to have left for drinking water. The search and rescue team (SAR) evacuated the body of a woman on behalf of Yani who fell on Sunday, March 26 at around 23.00. "The victim was evacuated early Monday morning, at around 02.40 WITA in a state of death," said Head of the Mataram SAR Office Lalu Wahyu Efendi, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 27 March. He said the chronology of the incident began when the victim was asked by her husband to take medicine. Then the victim took drinking water, but 30 minutes later it did not come back. The victim's father-in-laws heard a sound from behind the house. After being approached by the source of sound, the victim was already in the well and shouted for help. The victim's husband tried to do help, but was in vain and could only take the sarong his wife was wearing it. "Not long after, the victim's parents came and tried again to do help. However, the victim was not seen because it was already submerged. Finally, the incident was reported to the relevant party," Wahyu said. The report on the dangerous condition of the man was received by the Mataram SAR Office from one of the SAR members of the East Lombok Unit at 23.15 WITA. Then Wahyu followed up on the report received, personnel from the Kawaan SAR Post were deployed to the scene by carrying mountainearing equipment, tripod and various other supporting equipment.

Rescue efforts also involve elements from the TNI, Polri, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Lombok Regency, SAR East Lombok Unit, and local residents. "The victims who had died were evacuated from inside the well, then taken to the Keruak Health Center," he said.

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