JAKARTA - The Bogor Regency Government, West Java, recorded that there were 16 disasters dominated by landslides in its area since the beginning of 2021.

"The BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency) has recorded 16 disasters that have occurred in 10 sub-districts since the beginning of this year. Most of them are landslides," said Bogor Regent Ade Yasin in Cibinong, Bogor as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 13.

Large landslides occurred in the vicinity of Mount Mas, Cisarua, which closed the Peak Route on Sunday, January 10 night and in Cipeundeuy, Pamijahan on Monday, January 11.

Ade Yasin advised the public to increase their vigilance by avoiding activities in places that are prone to disasters.

"The weather in the last few days has been quite extreme, especially in Bogor. The high intensity of rain accompanied by strong winds has made several disaster-prone spots to watch out for," said Ade Yasin.

In addition, he claimed to have instructed the Bogor Regency BPBD since the end of 2020 to be prepared for the rainy season which is predicted by BMKG to continue gradually until early February 2021.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor Regency BPBD, Yani Hassan said that his party recorded 1,338 disasters during 2020.

"We recorded that from January 1 to December 31, 2020 yesterday there were 1,338 (disasters)," he said.

Landslides were the most frequent occurrence in Bogor Regency, with 427 incidents, while the second highest was strong winds with 376 incidents.

Then, there were 175 floods, 41 fires, 98 drought, 51 land shifts, 18 earthquakes, and 152 events.

"Other disasters include collapsing houses, drowning victims, falling trees, being struck by lightning, damaged bridges, and people getting lost," said Yani.

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