2.4 Kilograms of Dry Marijuana Destroyed at the Jayapura Police
Photo illustration: Antara

JAYAPURA - As much as 2.4 kilograms of dry cannabis drug evidence was destroyed by the Narcotics Unit of the Jayapura Resort Police, Papua. Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus W.A Maclarimboen, in Jayapura, said Wednesday that the cannabis was obtained from 4 disclosure cases with 6 suspects.

"So after setting aside 0.10 grams for evidence at trial and 0.10 grams for laboratory tests, a total of 2.4 kg were destroyed by burning", said Fredrickus, accompanied by the Head of Operations Unit Commissioner Erol Sudrajat, S. Sos, M. .Si.

According to Commissioner Erol Sudrajat, there were 2.4 kg of cannabis from the 4 disclosure cases, again destroyed by the Jayapura Police Narcotics Investigation Unit,

"The destruction was carried out directly by the Head of Ops Commissioner Erol Sudrajat, S.Sos, M.Si together with Head of Drug Unit AKP Alfrit B. Nadek, SH, KBO Sat Narcotics Ipda Aswan Syarif, SH", he said.

He explained that the Jayapura District Attorney, Vicktor Maurids Suruan, SH, was also present at the destruction of illicit goods, and was witnessed by 6 suspects with the initials DYP, AK, MT, YAK, BY and SIR.

"This type of cannabis narcotics was successfully confiscated from four disclosure cases in February and March 2023", he said again.

He added that the six suspects were languishing in the Jayapura Police Headquarters' detention cell to be held accountable for their actions.

"They are caught in Indonesia Law No. 35 concerning Narcotics with threats of punishment varying according to their role from 4 years to 20 years in prison", he said again.

By: Agustina Estevani Janggo

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