BALIKPAPAN - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Balikpapan Station detected 45 hot spots in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) so that all parties were asked to take care of each other so that additional hot spots would not occur considering that a number of areas were still potentially hot on a few days. "We immediately informed the distribution of these hotspots to related parties so that they could be handled," said the Coordinator of Data and Information Division of the Class I Meteorological Station Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman (SAMS) Sepinggan BMKG Balikpapan, Diyan Novrida, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 20 March. A total of 45 hotspots were monitored throughout last Sunday starting at 01.00 to 24.00 WITA, then directly submitted to related agencies, especially the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) both at the East Kalimantan Province and district levels in order to get further treatment. The day before, his party also detected as many as 11 hot spots spread across three districts in East Kalimantan namely Berau, Kutai Kartanegara, and East Kutai Districts, but the hotspots had been extinguished after handling was carried out by related parties. While 45 hotspots monitored throughout last Sunday were at different coordinate points, although some were still in one district or the same sub-district. The 45 hot spots detected Sunday were spread over four districts, namely West Kutai Regency (1 point), Berau Regency (8 points), Berau Regency (8 points), Kutai Kartanegara Regency (12 points), and East Kutai District (24 points). "Considering that recently there have often been hotspots monitored, then we urge all elements to equally keep, such as not littering careless cigarettes, do not burn while managing land. In West Kutai Regency where there is a hot forest or land," said Diyan. While the details of the 45 hotspots are in Berau Regency (8 points) spread over seven sub-districts, namely Biatan, Sambaliung, Segah, Tabalar, and Bayar Bayurar sub-district there are detected at 2 points. In Westies where one point is detected.
Then 12 hot spots observed in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, spread over seven sub-districts, namely Kembang Janggut, Muara Badak, Samboja, and Tenggarong Seberang sub-districts with one point each, Kota Bangun sub-district with one point, Loa Janan and Loa Kulu sub-districts with three points each. "Meanwhile, 24 hotspots in East Kutai are spread across two sub-districts, namely Kaubun District, there are 11 points and Bengalon sub-districts detected eight hotspots," said Diyan.
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