JAMBI - Directorate of Samapta Polda Jambi raided the location of a drug party in the Garuda 1 area, Talang Banjar Village, East Jambi District, Jambi City. Head of Sub-Directorate for Gassum Ditsamapta Jambi Police AKBP Marudut Tambunan said the raid took place on Saturday, March 18 evening. "We have secured seven people and more than 28 motorbikes from the location suspected of being carried out by a drug party," he said in Jambi, Antara, Sunday, March 19. This raid began when officers from the Jambi Regional Police Ditsamapta received information from the public that there was often a drug party at that place. Receiving this information, one of the Jambi Regional Police Ditsamapta personnel checked wearing plain clothes to the location. After the raid was carried out by officers from the Jambi Regional Police Ditsamapta by lowering the sniffer dog, evidence of methamphetamine was obtained and taken directly to the Jambi Regional Police. It is suspected that the house is often used as a gathering and conducting drug transactions and found narcotics evidence such as Pirek, a small to large clear clip. "We get information from the public, then we send personnel to investigate and it is true that the house often conducts transactions and drug parties," he said. During the raid, a group of youths and women at the basecamp ran and saw the arrival of police officers. Currently, seven people who have been arrested have been taken to the Jambi Police Headquarters along with evidence of narcotics and motorbikes that have been secured at the location. Later all the arrested perpetrators will be taken to the Jambi Police Narcotics Directorate for further investigation.

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