JAKARTA - Deputy Secretary of the PKB DPP Shura Council Maman Imanulhaq emphasized that his party has a full commitment to Gerindra's coalition partners in facing the 2024 General Election.

This was said by Maman in response to the General Chairperson (Ketum) of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin who threatened the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR) to disband if Ganjar Pranowo became vice presidential candidate accompanying Prabowo Subianto. "PKB is known to be a party where if he enters power he will be loyal, never return," Maman told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, March 17.

The PKB is famous for being a party that if he enters power he will be loyal, never return home," Maman told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, March 17. "Likewise, when we commit to Gerindra, then we will continue to discuss it with Gerindra," he continued.

The member of the House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) also emphasized that until now PKB has never taken an agreement with other parties. Even if they meet with other parties, he said, PKB will communicate with Gerindra. Furthermore, Maman said that if the Prabowo-Ganjar duet was realized, PKB would take a stand with tabayyun first. So according to him, relations and communication with Gerindra as coalition partners are maintained.

"If that happens, it turns out that there is another discourse, as Hasyim Djojohadikusumo said, then we will certainly ask Gerindra well. And of course, PKB as a large independent party will find the best way to continue to have a national leader candidate," said Maman.

Meanwhile, Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, confirmed that to this day the KKIR is still very solid.

"God willing, this coalition is the most solid," said Habiburokhman in Jakarta, Friday, March 17. Regarding the candidate for the presidential and vice presidential candidate for the coalition, Habiburokhman said that this was under Prabowo and Cak Imin as the general chairman of the coalition party. Including the discourse on the Prabowo-Ganjar duet.

"The matter of determination is of course the domains of Pak Prabowo and Gus Muhaimin Iskandar. He will both determine and announce it," said Habiburokhman.

Cadres, he added, just follow and carry out directions from the general chairmen. Therefore, all will wait for a decision from Prabowo and Cak Imin.

"If we just follow suit. Samina wa athona, various inputs of information, of course, both of them understand and collaborate, we'll just have to wait," said Habiburokhman.

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