JAKARTA - South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Wednesday, cooperation with Japan was crucial in dealing with North Korea's growing threats and protecting global supply chains, calling on the two countries not to strain relations over domestic politics.

President Yoon made the remarks in a written interview with international media, while preparing to leave for Tokyo on Thursday for a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, his first visit in 12 years.

The planned trip comes after South Korea announced last week its companies would compensate victims of forced labor under Japan's 1910-1945 colonial rule, aimed at ending strife that has undermined efforts led by the United States. (US) to present a united front against China and North Korea.

"There is a growing need for Korea and Japan to work together in this time of polycrisis, with North Korea's growing nuclear and missile threats and disrupted global supply chains," President Yoon said, as reported by Reuters on March 15.

"We cannot waste time and leave the strained Korea-Japan relations unchecked," he continued.

Some victims forced to work under Japan's colonial rule have resisted the government's compensation plans, potentially complicating Seoul's efforts to end the diplomatic row.

However, President Yoon said it was time for the people of the two countries to move forward "rather than confronting over the past", adding that Japan had expressed "deep regret and sincere apologies, regarding its colonial rule in the past through the position of the previous government".

"What is important is to ensure that such positions and behavior continue without faltering," said President Yoon, urging the two countries to "safeguard that the bilateral relationship is not exploited for domestic politics".

With economic cooperation expected to be high on the agenda during his visit, President Yoon said stronger ties between the two countries would help the global supply chain, and build a more stable economic relationship with China.

President Yoon's visit also comes as North Korea has ratcheted up tensions in the region by conducting weapons tests, including the launch of two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea off the east coast on Tuesday.

North Korea's state news agency (KCNA) said the launch was part of a military drill to train its troops to carry out their missions at any time and "annihilate the enemy" if necessary.

South Korea, the United States and Japan should further strengthen security cooperation to deter North Korea, said President Yoon, adding he hoped the GSOMIA, an intelligence-sharing pact with Japan, would be "refreshed" when the two countries restored confidence.

South Korea has maintained a conditional pact, which is meant to help the two countries share information about North Korea's missile and nuclear activities.

President Yoon lashed out at North Korea for focusing on a "reckless" weapons program, as the country's food shortages "worsen," saying South Korea "will never recognize North Korea as a nuclear state under any circumstances."

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