KEBUMEN - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo accompanied President Joko Widodo in inaugurating the Area-Based Shrimp Cultivation Ponds (BUBK) in Kebumen, Thursday 9 March. The 60-hectare pond will later become a pilot for implementing fishery product cultivation with modern management.

Jokowi arrived at the location at around 11.10 WIB and immediately inspected the location while sowing shrimp seeds in the ponds. Also present at the inauguration ceremony were Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Head of the Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi, Regent and Head of OPD Regional Government of Kebumen Regency, and East Sumba Regent Kristofel Praing.

Pilot ponds

Ganjar Pranowo said that the BUBK Ponds in Kebumen will be a pilot and should be developed in other areas. "Regarding shrimp, there is a big homework, what (the President) said earlier is a good pilot to be developed," he said.

According to him, the pond construction which is located in Tegalretno Village, Petanahan District is being managed with modern management. "Yes, because it is managed in a very modern way and the results are very good," he added.

Inilah tambak udang yang diresmikan Presiden Jokowo, Ganjar Pranowo mendampingi bersama menteri dan pejabat lainnya. (IST)
This is the shrimp pond inaugurated by President Jokowo, Ganjar Pranowo, accompanying him with ministers and other officials. (IST)

Meanwhile, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the BUBK ponds in Kebumen already had modern management so that they could become an example of implementing fishery product cultivation in other regions.

"This will be an example that can later be copied for other provinces and districts, so that the modern management that we see today can be copied to be implemented in other regions," said President Jokowi.

He added, in Kebumen, vaname shrimp aquaculture ponds have implemented detailed management that is able to maintain water cleanliness so as to support production optimization.

The total area of ​​shrimp cultivation ponds in Kebumen which was inaugurated by President Jokowi reached 60 hectares. Every hectare of the pond can produce 40 tons of shrimp. The cost of building the ponds reached IDR 175 billion.

"In this area-based shrimp pond, approximately 60 hectares have been completed which will produce 1 hectare of shrimp, we expect more than 40 tons," he explained.

For information, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries said the development of area-based shrimp aquaculture ponds in Kebumen is at the same time achieving the national shrimp production target of 2 million tonnes by 2024. So Indonesia contributes even more to the needs of the world shrimp market whose value reached US$ 28.3 billion in the year 2021.

This pond applies the concept of environmentally friendly ponds, with technological improvements such as the application of reservoirs, separate inlet and outlet channels, implementation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), increased stocking density, arrangement of maintenance plots, mechanization such as wheels and pumps, as well as fish and shrimp health management.

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