JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 today. A total of 20,418 specimens were examined today. As a result, there were 211 new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The total accumulated positive cases since COVID-19 was found in Indonesia reached 6,736,787 people and active cases fell by 28 to 3,530 cases," he was quoted as saying from the COVID-19 Task Force data, Friday, March 3.

Today's recovered cases increased by 234 people, bringing a total of 6,572,332 recovered people. Then, positive confirmed cases who died increased by 5 cases and a total of 160,925 people.

The province with the 'most' new cases is DKI Jakarta with 95 cases and a total of 1,542,275 cases. Followed by West Java which has 47 new cases with a total of 1,236,539 cases. East Java has 24 new cases and a total of 638,184 cases. Banten has 20 new cases and a total of 366,548 cases.

The province with the most recovered cases today belongs to DKI Jakarta with an additional 83 recovered cases. Followed by Central Java with an additional 55 recovered cases, Banten with an additional 38 recovered cases, and South Sulawesi with an additional 26 recovered cases.

In addition, the number of specimens that have been examined using RT-PCR, TCM, and antigen has reached 115,460,560.

"The positive results per number of people examined or the positivity rate of people this week is 1.24 percent," he wrote.

Untuk jumlah orang yang diduga tertular COVID-19 atau yang saat ini dikategorikan sebagai kasus suspek, tercatat di angka 1.353 orang. Saat ini, 34 provinsi telah memiliki kasus COVID-19.

Lebih lanjut, saat ini telah ada 203.811.622 orang yang telah mendapatkan vaksinasi COVID-19 dosis pertama dan 174.839.540 vaksinasi dosis kedua. Lalu, vaksinasi dosis ketiga sebanyak 70.025.222 dan dosis keempat sebanyak 2.766.928. Sementara, target sasaran vaksinasi di Indonesia sebanyak 234.666.020 orang.

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