KENDARI - Kendari Fire Department (Damkar) personnel evacuated a six-meter-long snake in Labibia Village, Mandonga District, Kendari City, Sulsel (Southeast Sulawesi).

The Kendari Fire Rescue Team Commander, Darius, said the snake was evacuated when it was eating a goat. The appearance of the snake was first informed by residents in Labibia Village, Mandonga District, Kendari City.

"So residents called me that there was a snake," Darius said when contacted, Antara, Friday, March 3.

Upon arrival at the location mentioned by the resident, his party saw that the snake was eating a goat belonging to a local resident.

"When we arrived at the location the snake was swallowing a goat. After that we immediately evacuated and caught it," said Darius.

The snake was then put in a sack to be taken to the Kendari City Fire Department. The snake, said Darius, will also be used to train new firefighters.

"After we catch them, we will conduct training in May for the new members," he said.

After that, his team will immediately hand over the six-meter-long snake to the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA).

"Currently there will be three snakes throughout 2023," said Darius.

Not to forget, he also appealed to all the people of Kendari City to always be careful when doing activities in the plantation area. "To always be careful in activities on plantations," he said.

Because, said Darius, during the rainy season snakes start to appear.

"Ular sekarang bermunculan di musim hujan. Untuk itu masyarakat selalu waspada dan berhati-hati dalam melakukan aktivitas di kebun atau di hutan," ujarnya.

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