CENTRAL SULAWESI - Palu's National Search and Rescue Agency said there were no incoming reports regarding damage and casualties after the 5.8 magnitudes (M) earthquake rocked Sigi, Central Sulawesi.

Head of the Central Sulawesi SAR and Alert Operations Subsection, Andi Sultan, said that currently, his party is still looking for information on an earthquake that is certainly not to have caused a tsunami.

"We have also appealed to the public to check and make sure the condition of the house where they live is safe (no cracks) so that if there are vibrations/aftershocks it doesn't endanger the occupants of the house," he said in Palu, Monday, February 27, confiscated by Antara.

He added, his party had alerted personnel and Defense Forces to the Parigi Search and Rescue POS and the Palu Search and Rescue Office, who were ready to be deployed whenever needed.

Meanwhile, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) updated the magnitude of the earthquake in Sigi which occurred at 09.26 WITA from M 5.8 to M 5.5.

According to the BMKG analysis, the earthquake was located on land or at coordinates 1.62 South Latitude - 120.21 East Longitude 13 kilometres to the Northeast of Doda, Poso Regency, with a depth of 10 kilometres.

Andi appealed to residents in Central Sulawesi to remain calm and not be easily influenced by issues whose truth cannot be accounted for after the earthquake.

"Until now, from the reports, we received from the BPBD of Poso Regency, which stated that the shock of this earthquake was felt significantly by residents of Poso Regency and its surroundings," he said.

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