JAKARTA - The NasDem Party's presidential candidate Anies Baswedan invites sympathizers and volunteers in Lampung Province to move together towards a fairer change in Indonesia.

"When the NasDem Party decided to nominate, I conveyed the answer, God willing, this mandate will be carried out as well as possible to fight together to bring social justice to all Indonesian people," said Anies Baswedan when giving a speech after the inauguration of the DPD NasDem Party South Lampung at Way Hui Field, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 25.

Anies said that the gathering of party leaders, both from the DPP and DPW NasDem, in Lampung as well as sympathizers who attended to equalize the steps ahead and prepare to welcome the opportunity for change for Indonesia on February 14, 2024.

"The opportunity for all of us, every 5 years we look at the direction of the nation's journey. This nation chooses to establish a republic, named the Republic of Indonesia (RI), why do we choose RI? Because we want to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people," he said.

Therefore, he continued, in February 2024, let's work together to ensure that justice, equality, opportunity, and prosperity and the future can be for all Indonesian people.

"It's simple, just one sentence, but it must be carried out. The sentence of social justice for all, not for documents that are read at ceremonies, but practice for daily life for all Indonesian people," he said.

Anies asked sympathizers and volunteers who came not to take the meeting lightly today because it would be a memento for years.

"While ready to work together and work hard. God willing, from Lampung it will spread throughout Sumatra and Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the NasDem Lampung DPW Herman HN asked all his cadres in this province to be close to the people and help them as much as possible.

"I hope everyone can work hard and move together. Without hard work, what they want to achieve will not work," he said.

Anies and his entourage are scheduled to go to Way Hui Field to attend the inauguration of the South Lampung NasDem Party DPD, then the group headed to Untoro Village Field, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung, to attend the inauguration of the NasDem Party Wing throughout Lampung and at the same time greet the community.

Registration for presidential and vice presidential candidates is scheduled from 19 October 2023 to 25 November 2023.

Based on Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections (UU Pemilu), pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates are proposed by political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the election who meet the requirements for obtaining seats of at least 20 percent of the total seats in the DPR or obtaining 25 percent of the nationally valid votes in the previous election for members of the DPR.

Currently, there are 575 seats in parliament so that pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election must have at least 115 seats in the DPR RI. It could also be that candidate pairs are carried by political parties or coalitions of political parties participating in the 2019 Election with a total valid vote acquisition of at least 34,992,703 votes.

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