Polda Metro Jaya deployed 1,091 joint personnel to secure the concert of singer Raisa which will take place at the Gelora Bung Karno Stadium on Saturday, February 25.

In the security scheme, thousands of members of the TNI-Polri and from the Regional Government (Pemda) will be alerted at several points.

"All personnel involved are 1,091 personnel consisting of all elements, namely the Police, TNI, then the Regional Government. In this case there is a Transportation Agency and then Satpol PP," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Saturday, February 25.

Regarding the technical and security control mechanisms, Trunoyudo did not explain in detail. He only said that later the Central Jakarta Metro Police and the Metro Jaya Police Operations Bureau would handle it.

"Security of community activities which of course need security and Polda Metro Jaya has planned security," said Trunoyudo.

Meanwhile, Raisa held a concert titled Raisa Live in Concert. A total of 30,000 concert tickets have been sold out. Based on information, Raisa will sing 26 songs with a concert duration of about 2.5 hours.

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