SEMARANG - Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimum) Central Java Police, Kombes Johanson Ronald Simamora, shared a number of tips for residents or people who want to buy property.

These tips include researching the status of the property to be purchased and not shying away from coordinating with the police if people feel they have been harmed

"Please coordinate with the BPN Office, are there no disputes in the house, and can also see the status of the land. If the community feels disadvantaged, they can report it to the Central Java Regional Police, especially the Ditreskrimum, because we also have a Land Mafia Task Force," explained Kombes Johanson, in a written statement, Friday, February 24.

At the event which was attended by a number of Semarang City BPN officials, land practitioners, and the general public, the Dirreskrimum and staff opened a dialogue room and received a number of public complaints.

A number of residents did not hesitate to ask questions and convey the problems they faced.

Daniel, a resident of Semarang, asked for tips regarding debts guaranteed by certificates. He also asked whether after the certificate guarantee was given, the residents would get legal protection if they were evicted or their house was damaged at any time.

"If there is collateral for the debt after that we are evicted and our house is damaged, what should we do?" he asked.

Johanson explained that debts and receivables are a matter of civil law that is outside the scope of the police's duties. However, if during the process there is an unlawful act in the form of vandalism, threats, etc., the public can report it to the nearest police station.

"It would be great if when you report you are accompanied by evidence in the form of CCTV footage or witnesses who saw the incident," said Johanson.

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