JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya denied reports that it did not provide medical care to Rizieq Shihab during his detention at a detention center (Rutan).

Director of Detention and Evidence (Dirtahti) Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Rahmat explained that Rizieq refused medical treatment from the police team of doctors.

"On New Year's Eve, the control member said he was not feeling well, he was called by the doctor. The doctor was examined and he said he was a little short of breath, the doctor was given oxygen, he didn't want to. Between, Thursday, 7 January.

Rahmat said that the ranks of the Directorate of Detainees and Evidence at Polda Metro Jaya always provide the best facilities not only for Rizieq Shihab but also for all detainees entrusted to his directorate.

Police health officers continue to carry out routine health checks every day on the detainees. In addition, there is also a team of doctors who are on standby for 24 hours for detainees.

"I have a lot of prisoners, more than 1,000. Turn the members every day, which one is sick, which hospital goes to which doctor to go to. The doctor is there 24 hours picket," said Rahmat.

According to him, Rizieq Shihab's current health condition is good. Rahmat then reiterated his denial of the news that Rizieq suffered from shortness of breath while in detention.

"Never had shortness of breath. According to him, he was short of breath and I also asked 'How is Bib?' "It's comfortable, Pak Rahmat, I usually have to stand on oxygen, if I'm not feeling well, I put it on. If people have such habits, I don't have to ban it," he concluded.

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