JAKARTA - A senior Chinese diplomat said on Sunday that the United States had undermined Beijing-Washington diplomatic ties so the White House had to repair the damage.

Wang Yi, Director of China's Office of the Central Commission of Foreign Affairs, said this during an unofficial meeting with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.

In a statement on the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website quoted by Antara on Sunday, Yi criticized Washington's reaction to China's air balloon incident over US territory.

The former Chinese Foreign Minister said the US action to shoot down Chinese balloons using fighter jets was a abuse of force and violations of international norms and conventions.

"What the US needs to do is show sincerity, recognize and repair the damage (relations) resulting from the abuse of their power," the statement said.

If the US continues to dramatize, exaggerate, or increase tensions, then China will respond by taking the necessary actions, and all of its consequences will be borne by the US, the statement reads.

In his meeting with Blinken, Yi also touched on the Ukraine issue. According to him, Beijing remains committed to encouraging peace talks to resolve the war in Ukraine.

Beijing, he continued, did not accept US accusations linking China to Russia in an invasion of Ukraine.

"We have never accepted accusations or coercion of the US directed at relations between China and Russia. The US, as a big country, should try to resolve the political crisis rather than heat up or make the situation worse," he said.

In the statement, Wang Yi also firmly rejected Taiwan's independence in order to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait.

He urged the US to respect historical facts, comply with political commitments, and not take actions that support Taiwan's independence.

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