CIANJUR - Police arrested the biological father of the perpetrator of the rape of his son, Dadang M (48), a resident of Narigul District, Cianjur Regency, West Java, at his home without a fight.

"The perpetrator has carried out his depraved acts against the victim for the last four years," said Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Doni Hermawan, quoted by ANTARA Friday, February 17.

He said the perpetrator was arrested after the family reported the victim's lecherous act against his biological child since he was 16 years old with the threat of killing the victim if he did not serve.

"For four years, the victim was forced to serve his father's lecherous lust because he was often threatened with death if he refused and reported his father's actions," he said.

The victim, who did not dare to report, finally ran away from home and told the actions of his biological father to other family members, so they reported the perpetrator to the Naringgul Police.

Officers who received the report immediately arrested the perpetrator, without a fight, the perpetrator was arrested and escorted to the Cianjur Police Headquarters, to account for his actions. The officers also secured a number of evidences from inside the perpetrator's house.

"The perpetrator was charged with Article 81 paragraphs 1 and 3 of Law number 17 of 2016 concerning child protection with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison plus one third of the sentence because the perpetrator is the closest person or is still the victim's family," he said.

The perpetrator in front of the officers admitted his depraved act because he had been divorced from his wife or biological mother for a long time, so he vented his biological needs on his youngest child for the past four years.

"I've been having sex with my own child since 2019 until now, at first I threatened to be killed using a machete. I did it at home when my other children were not at home," he said.

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