TANJUNG PINANG- The Provincial Government of the Riau Islands (Kepri Provincial Government) has extended the contracts of thousands of non-ASN educators and education personnel (PTK) in 2023, to the SMA/SMK/SLB Negeri level in seven local provinces/cities. Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad said the existence of non-ASN PTK is very important and needed, because with geographical archipelago, the distribution of educators/guides and education personnel must be evenly distributed to the hinterland area. "This is also done to encourage the quality of education in the Riau Islands in the future," said Ansar as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 13. Ansar is also committed to encouraging the change in the status of PTK non-ASN to become a Government Employee with Work Agreement (P3K), because in the mandate of the Law there is no longer the status of non-ASN PTK or honorary staff, except for ASN and P3K Employees. He also ensures that the Riau Islands Provincial Government continues to pay attention to the welfare of non-ASN PTK by increasing their salaries from Rp2.4 million per month in 2022 to Rp2.5 million in 2023 or up to Rp100 thousand. "Indeed, educating students is still under the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) Riau of Rp3.2 million. But, we are trying to increase every year, even though it is only Rp100 thousand," said Ansar. He hopes that the total number of non-ASN PTK salaries this year will trigger educators and education personnel in Bumi Segapan Lada to be more enthusiastic about transferring knowledge, thus producing generations of intelligent, qualified and character. I always say, educating students is a very large reward field. Moreover, when our students become smart and beneficial," said Ansar. Meanwhile, the Head of the Riau Islands Education Office, Agung said that the total number of non-ASN Kepri 2023 PTKs still needs to close the number of non-ASNs in 2023s. They are spread in Anambas 119 people, Batam 684 people, Bintan 2669 people, Karimun

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