MANDALIKA - Garbage is still a problem in the special economic zone (KEK) of Mandalika, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). A total of 12 buffer villages for the Mandalika SEZ were asked to actively address the problem.

Head of the NTB Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK), Julmansyah said, the role of the buffer village is important because it is at the forefront of overcoming every problem in the National Super Priority Destination (DSPN), including the matter of waste.

"For us now, how is the management of the 12 buffer villages in Mandalika first to be strengthened, only to others. Because the spearhead of dealing with waste is the community and it is in the village," he said in Mataram, NTB, Friday, February 10, as reported by Antara.

He gave an example, how to manage waste in Semparu Village which is considered to be the best example of village in waste management in Central Lombok Regency. Although not in the buffer village of Mandalika.

"Actually, in Central Lombok there are many, just ratify it. For example, in Semparu Village. Even though there in the Semparu Market, there is Jelojok Market. Interestingly, no one throws garbage at the TPS. Because they have implemented waste selection since home and bank waste so that the village is clean. Garbage is processed into organic fertilizer as a substitute for chemical fertilizer," he said.

"This means that what is being done in Semparu Village can be an example for other villages in Central Lombok. It's only now that what is in Semparu Village in the expansion, community expertise is added. If only Semparah can't be done, other villages can't," continued Julmansyah.

Therefore, according to him, the road that must be continuously encouraged is how to encourage other villages to follow what is being done in Semparu Village, including in villages around the Mandalika SEZ.

Because even though the garbage in Central Lombok Regency, including the Mandalika SEZ, was dumped at the Penggat final disposal site (TPA), not all of them had to be hung at the TPA because gradually the TPA would also be fully filled.

"We can't just rely on TPA Penggat. Because the capacity is limited. At least before reaching the TPA, there is management. Starting from where to sort waste first, from home, organic and non-organic so that the waste wasted at the TPA is left with the residue, it doesn't accumulate like it is now," he said.

Previously, the Central Lombok Regency Environment Agency (DLH) estimated the capacity of the Penggat TPA, full in the next three years.

"If there is no effort to reduce waste, Block B at Pengat TPA, Pujut District will be full in three years," said Central Lombok Regency DLH Secretary Ahmad Samsuriadi.

He said waste production in Central Lombok currently reaches 0.4 kilograms per person in a day, so it is hoped that there will be a waste reduction program.

"One block A of the Penggat TPA is full and Block B will be full in three years," he said.

Therefore, his party hopes that there will be new land for waste disposal if the TPA is full, because it will be a problem in the future.

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