Alleged Money Laundering, Palu Prison Holds Prisoners' Raids
Correctional officers searched the inmates of the Class IIA Palu Penitentiary (Lapas) as an effort to prevent the circulation of prohibited goods, Wednesday (1/2/2023) night. (ANTARA)

PALU - Class IIA Palu Penitentiary, Central Sulawesi raided the inmates as an effort to prevent the circulation of prohibited goods in the prison environment. Head of Class IIA Palu Prison, Gunawan, said that this activity was carried out as an effort to tighten supervision of inmates who did not comply and violated the rules.

This also responded to allegations that one of the inmates was involved in a money laundering crime (TPPU) case from the proceeds of a drug crime. His party deployed around 40 correctional officers in conducting a search of residential blocks and checking the pocket of the inmates' pants at around 20.00 WITA., including tightening supervision of the luggage that was delivered by the inmates as an effort to prevent the smuggling of prohibited goods. Palu prison, he said, is more or less inhabited by 668 people who are undergoing correctional guidance for the legal case that ensnared them. "Our job here is to foster, so that in the future they are free and return to society, no longer committing crimes," he said.

He explained that the raid on prohibited goods was also a form of support from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkum HAM) of Central Sulawesi for the prevention of eradicating drug abuse (P4GN) initiated by the National Narcotics Agency.

"We are open and ready to collaborate with the parties in creating a drug-free society," said Gunawan.

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