DENPASAR - The Bali Regional Police have appealed to the public and members of the Police in Bali to be wary of fraud attaching the name of National Police officials.
"This appeal was conveyed based on experience that often occurs, especially with the transfer of Polri officials some time ago and many positions at the Bali Police have been filled by new people," said the Head of Public Relations of the Bali Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto, Tuesday, January 31.
According to him, there are irresponsible people or fraudsters who take advantage of this moment via telephone, SMS, and other media.
"On behalf of new officials to ask for money through transfers, goods, as well as promising something and other requests that are detrimental to society," he said.
"If there are members of the public or members of the National Police who receive requests like that, we urge them not to respond or to report them to the nearest police station. Because it is definitely a fraud mode," said Kombes Satake.
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