JAKARTA - The legal adviser to the boss of PT Indosurya, Henry Surya, Soesilo Aribowo respects the legal steps of the Public Prosecutor who filed an appeal against the West Jakarta District Court's decision on banking crime and money laundering.

According to him, what the public prosecutor did was their right as law enforcers. Even so, Soesilo maintained that the panel of judges' decision was in accordance with the facts revealed at trial.

"That's their right, we respect that. But we think that the decision was right and the facts are like that," he said as quoted from a written statement, Tuesday, January 31.

First regarding the onslag decision, Henry Surya's actions were not a crime but a civil domain. Due to the fact that it is indeed carrying out a peace plan or a debt payment agreement in PKPU which has been homologated or ratified by the commercial court.

The decision was unanimous without any difference of opinion or dissenting opinion from the judges.

"This decision is released, yes, not acquitted, according to the panel of judges there was an act, but it's not a crime, it's a civil case. All judges also agree, there is no dissenting (opinion), so it's not a crime," he explained.

Second, Soesilo also rectified the loss of Indosurya KSP members amounting to IDR 16 trillion, not IDR 106 trillion. This was also acknowledged by the public prosecutor through his lawsuit.

"The loss for the members was not IDR 106 trillion, but IDR 16 trillion. I will just clarify this, so that I am not mistaken. Out of the IDR 16 trillion loss, almost IDR 3 trillion has been paid, almost 20 percent of which is through the PKPU scheme," he explained.

Apart from that, Soesilo also emphasized that there are around 6,000 KSP Indosurya members, not 23,000 as has been widely reported so far.

"Also regarding the accusation of raising public funds that is not true and in consideration of yesterday's decision it has been clearly described, it is a member of the KSP," he said.

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