NTB - The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) replaces 24 livestock that died from mouth and nail disease (PMK) in Central Lombok. The amount of compensation given was Rp. 10 million per one animal.

"Of the 29 dead tenak proposed by the local government, 24 were compensated according to the results of the verification carried out by the team," said Secretary of the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture, Makmun at the Central Lombok Regent's office, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Friday, January 27, confiscated by Antara.

He said this program was a directive from President Jokowi together with the Minister of Agriculture who was given to farmers who were both cattle and buffalo affected by the PMK. The amount of compensation funds provided is Rp. 10 million for one animal.

"These funds are channeled through accounts and received directly by farmers. The amount for Central Lombok is IDR 240 million," he said.

He said that the reports of livestock that died affected by PMK were quite a lot, but not all were approved from the verification results that had been carried out by the team. This was done to anticipate data manipulation by farmers, not to let livestock be cut, but not be exposed to PMK. "It's still being verified," he said.

He said, with this assistance, farmers are expected to be helped or can ease the burden on farmers and they can return to buy livestock to be raised, so that they can provide benefits to the community.

In addition, this program is expected to increase the economic growth of people affected by PMK.

"This is to improve the economy and welfare of the community. So that these funds should not be used for other things. They must buy livestock," he said.

The Regent of Central Lombok, H Lalu Pathul Bahri expressed his aspirations and thanks to the central government for providing assistance to farmers affected by the PMK.

"We hope that farmers can make good use of this assistance to improve the economy," he said.

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