LAMPUNG - A herd of wild elephants approaching settlements in Tugu Ratu Village, Suoh District, West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province has again worried residents.

The supervisor of the Gajah Suoh Conflict Task Force and BNS, Sugeng Hari Kinaryo, said that herds of wild elephants had returned to residents' settlements.

"Last night a group of wild elephants came again, their presence was about 200 meters from residents' settlements", said Sugeng when confirmed in Krui, Thursday, January 26, confiscated by Antara.

His party will escort groups of wild elephants back into the forest.

"We will carry out herding of elephants into the forest by the task force", he said.

He said, his party together with the surrounding community would carry out patrols at night to maintain the safety of residents.

"The people from Pekon (Village) Suoh and the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park Resort (TNBBS) Suoh will carry out patrols and blockades every night", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) Resort Suoh, Sulki, also said that the herd of wild elephants began to approach the settlement on Wednesday 25 January, around 06.00 WIB.

According to him, the herd of elephants had been observed approaching residents' settlements, having previously been successfully escorted by officers to their natural habitat in the forest area of the TNBBS.

"Currently we are still monitoring the movements of the herd of wild elephants so that the herd does not return to our settlements. We have also coordinated with the task force, village officials, and the local community to guard them", he said.

He added, currently the herd of elephants has been successfully blockaded and has entered the forest area, but his party cannot predict this, because the elephant herds have often been blocked and are still approaching and destroying residents' land.


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