JAKARTA - The interest of the youngest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kaesang Pangarep, in entering politics was welcomed by the PDI-P. The party bearing the bull symbol also invited Kaesang to join in order to process from below through the cadre level.

"Politics for young people all this time tends to be condemned because of the bad perception of politics among young people. If Mas Kaesang is interested in politics, I think that is a prospect for the political world among young people," said PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah, Wednesday, January 25.

According to the member of the DPR for the East Java electoral district, anyone has the right to enter politics. If Kaesang joins a political party, Said hopes that Kaesang can give a good color to the political world itself. Said also invited Kaesang to join the PDIP so that he could proceed from below. Because in PDIP, he said, there is a level of cadre that teaches Kaesang to understand ideology and the line of struggle.

"I suggest Mas Kaesang just join the PDI-P. Register as a party member first, follow the party regeneration level in the PDI-P. Starting from the pre-main, middle to the main level, the regeneration level from the DPC to the DPD and DPP so that he understands the ideology and struggle lines of the party," Said said. "This step is important so that Mas Kaesang can feel the process from below," he added.

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