JAKARTA - Bio Farma is ready to present a diagnostic kit called CerviScan, an innovation by the nation's children which is an early detection tool for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that causes cervical cancer. President Director of Holding BUMN Pharmacy, Honesti Basyir said that Bio Farma presents a CerviScan which can be an alternative choice for Indonesian women. Kanker servics is a silent killer because the symptoms are only known after the advanced stage. For this reason, prevention and detection are needed early to be known earlier so that the disease is not too late to be treated. CerviScan is here to be one solution for women and mothers who hesitate to carry out examinations because of fear, "said Honesti, in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 23.Honesti explained, detection was carried out using a urine collection method which was then examined in the laboratory using a PCR tool and it is hoped that this urine method will provide comfort to the fans women. "With this pattern, we hope to increase the screening rate for cervical cancer," said Honesti. Meanwhile, Bio Farma also socializes the dangers of cervical cancer by holding a talk show with the theme The Silent Killer: KNOW and detect cervical Cancer, which begins with a Funbike with a departure point at Bio Farma Bandung to the Sate Building, Bandung City, and is released by the Director of Institutional Relations of Bio Farma, Sri Harsi Teteki. Sri Harsi Teteki said that Indonesian women should be more concerned about their own health. "With this activity, it is hoped that women can get to know each other deeply about uterine cancer. As Indonesian women, they must continue to protect themselves by maintaining their health," said Sri Harsi Teteki. The activity, which was attended by 100 female participants from the Women Cycling Community (WCC) community, is a series of Bio Farma product diagnostic pre-eventing activities for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening. is is the cause of servic cancer that many Indonesian women experience and the third largest cause of death in Indonesia. According to Global Cancer Observatory data, of the many types of cancers, cervical neck cancer or what we know as cervical cancer, ranks second highest in Indonesia. More than 80 Indonesian women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every day, even in 120 minutes two Indonesian women die from this type of cancer. Global Cancer Observatory also said that only 5 percent of women screen for cervical cancer. Lack of information about cervical cancer and fear of undergoing screening are obstacles in preventing and handling cases of cervical cancer. Therefore Bio Farma made innovations to create products by the nation's children to detect the HPV virus under the name CerviScan. CerviScan is a diagnostic of a PCR-based kit for early detection of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which is the cause of this. cervical cancer. Head of the Bio Farma Domestic Marketing Division, Fitri Puspadewi said that the purpose of holding CerviScan pre-event launching activities was to build public awareness of the importance of early detection of cervical cancer.

"We hope that in this series of events as a form of building public awareness because it is very unfortunate, screening of this disease is still relatively small. Women are hesitant to do sampling," he said. To early detect cervical cancer, Bio Farma has conducted clinical trials on 900 subjects by conducting urine tests in the morning, so it can be detected even though the urine is not a fresh one. "As for test results using the PCR method whose equipment has been spread in Indonesia. Clinical trials are still carried out in a laboratory that has been recommended by doctors and initiatives themselves," said Fitri.

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